In which I compile snippets of useful Nix code
Anki sync server on Nix-Darwin
The following was tested with Anki version 23.12.1.
Here’s how to configure the Anki sync server to run on macOS using Nix-Darwin:
1. Configure and run Nix-Darwin
Make sure that Nix-Darwin works correctly on your machine. I use a flake file for configuring Nix-Darwin and it looks somewhat like so:
# flake.nix
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-24.05";
nix-darwin.url = "github:LnL7/nix-darwin";
nix-darwin.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
outputs =
{ self
, nix-darwin
, nixpkgs
}@inputs: {
darwinConfigurations."lithium" =
system = "aarch64-darwin";
nix-darwin.lib.darwinSystem {
inherit system;.Reverse
modules = [
{ _module.args = inputs; }
Next, in the same folder as the above flake.nix
file, I place a
file containing the following:
# darwin-configuration.nix
{ ... }:
# ./anki.nix will be created further below
imports = [ ./anki.nix ];
2. Adding the Anki sync server configuration Nix module
Now, add the below contents to a file called anki.nix
in the same directory.
The file contains all the configuration needed to install and run
as a launchd daemon.
Here’s some more information about how Nix modules are written.
# anki.nix
{ pkgs, ... }:
anki-sync-server = pkgs.anki-sync-server;
logPath = "/var/log/anki-sync-server";
# gid was chosen quite arbitrarily
users.groups.anki-sync-server = { gid = 601; };
users.users.anki-sync-server = {
createHome = false;
description = "Anki-sync-server user";
gid = 601;
# uid chosen arbitrarily
uid = 601;
isHidden = true;
users.knownGroups = [ "anki-sync-server" ];
users.knownUsers = [ "anki-sync-server" ];
launchd.daemons.anki-sync-server = {
script = ''
# This file will be created below
SYNC_USER1="$(cat /etc/anki-sync-server/sync_user1)"
export SYNC_USER1
# If you are interested in hashing the password, read this:
exec ${anki-sync-server}/bin/anki-sync-server
serviceConfig = {
KeepAlive = true;
StandardOutPath = "${logPath}/anki-sync-server.stdout.log";
StandardErrorPath = "${logPath}/anki-sync-server.stderr.log";
UserName = "anki-sync-server";
EnvironmentVariables = {
SYNC_PORT = "18090";
SYNC_BASE = "/var/anki-sync-server";
3. Switch to the new Nix-Darwin config
Run the following in a bash session with Nix and Nix-Darwin available:
# change directory to the path where the above created flake.nix,
# darwin-configuration.nix, and anki.nix can be found
# then switch to the new configuration
darwin-rebuild switch --flake $PWD
This will most likely prompt you for your admin password.
4. Create a user
Create a user that you can sign in with for Anki by placing a credentials file
containing username and password, separated by a colon, into
Make sure that only the above created anki-sync-server
user can read the
credentials file.
chmod 400 /etc/anki-sync-server/sync_user1
chown anki-sync-server:anki-sync-server /etc/anki-sync-server/
5. Provision run time folder
The Anki sync server is almost good to go. It needs a directory where the
runtime data (your Anki decks etc.) can be stored. The following commands will
create the directories and make sure that only anki-sync-server
can read the
runtime data.
mkdir -p /var/anki-sync-server
chown anki-sync-server:anki-sync-server /var/anki-sync-server
chmod 0400 /etc/anki-sync-server/sync_user1
6. Kick start the server
Assuming that you haven’t changed
in nix-Darwin, you can make sure that anki-sync-server
starts correctly by
sudo launchctl kickstart -k -p system/org.nixos.anki-sync-server
7. Connect with Anki
On macOS, follow these steps to connect Anki to the Anki sync server:
- Open the Anki preferences by going to Anki > Preferences … or pressing
CMD + ,
. - Open the Syncing tab and enter
. - Close the preferences.
- Press Sync in the top toolbar.
- Anki will prompt you for username and password. Use the credentials from above.
- Anki will now sync your data to your own Anki sync server!
Cross-Compiling Arm Assembly in a Nix Flake
We want to compile this trivial assembly targeting ARM assembly on a x86_64
Linux machine (running Debian 12 with Nix in this case):
.global main
.type main, %function
mov w0, #123
The assembly file is in a file called src/main.s
The program return 123 as a status code, so we can check whether the program
ran correctly later by checking echo $?
in bash or similar. We can run the
program using qemu-aarch64
(not qemu-system-aarch64
) to emulate an ARM CPU
and corresponding Linux user land, instead of having to spin up a virtual
machine – quite handy when reverse engineering binaries on an x86_64
We want to work with a Nix flake here. That
means better support for different targets, and the ability to have better
reproducibility between builds, as all Nix dependencies are fixed in a
I also want to use flake-utils for an easier time specifying the flake file.
description = "Arm64 (aarch64) cross-compile demo";
inputs.flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils }:
flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
pkgs = import nixpkgs {
inherit system;
crossSystem = {
config = "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu";
packages = rec {
cross-arm-64-asm = pkgs.callPackage
({ stdenv, gcc }:
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "cross-arm-64-asm";
nativeBuildInputs = [
phases = [ "buildPhase" "installPhase" ];
buildPhase = ''
$CC -march=armv8-a ${./src/main.s} -o main
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
cp main $out/bin
{ };
default = cross-arm-64-asm;
Build the file by running nix build -L .#
. On my system I got the following
warning: Git tree '/home/justusperlwitz/projects/nix-tricks' is dirty
warning: Ignoring setting 'auto-allocate-uids' because experimental feature 'auto-allocate-uids' is not enabled
warning: Ignoring setting 'impure-env' because experimental feature 'configurable-impure-env' is not enabled
cross-arm> Running phase: buildPhase
cross-arm> Running phase: installPhase
We see that the output is placed in a symlinked folder called result
# tree result
└── bin
└── main
2 directories, 1 file
We check the contents of the resulting result/bin/main file
# file result/bin/main
result/bin/main: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /nix/store/j8h1n0kgl15gpk270i7mr441yamnzvdg-glibc-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu-2.38-27/lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.10.0, not stripped
If you have QEMU on your system, you can then run it like so:
$qemu-aarch64 ./result/bin/main
$echo $?
# Outputs `123`